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How to Create a VERTUS Wallet VERTUS Telegram Bot Mining App Welcome to Vertus App

 How to Create a VERTUS Wallet, VERTUS Telegram Bot Mining App | How to Claim VERT Tokene

Cryptocurrency mining has become more user-friendly and accessible with the introduction of VERT, a new cryptocurrency that can be mined directly through Telegram. This article provides a step-by-step guide on creating a VERTUS Wallet and using the VERTUS Telegram Bot Mining App. Additionally, it explains the concept of VERT and the process of claiming VERT tokens.

What is VERT Bot telegram?

In the dynamic realm of cryptocurrency, accessibility and user-friendliness are crucial for wider adoption. Leveraging the TON blockchain and integrating the mining process with Telegram, the VERTUS Foundation has introduced VERT, a new cryptocurrency that simplifies entry into the cryptocurrency sphere by enabling mining directly through Telegram.

Step 1: Creating a VERTUS Wallet Account and Mining via Telegram Bot

To initiate the mining process, users are instructed to type /start and click on Open App within the Telegram bot interface. Upon following a referral link, the game window is likely to open immediately. The main screen displays essential information, including the Total Balance, VERT Balance, Storage for collecting coins, and Portfolio for an overview of owned coins.

Step 2: Collecting Coins and Exploring Upgrades

Users can access their stored coins and complete small tasks to earn more coins by tapping on "Storage." The "Upgrades" section allows users to enhance their coin factory, increase storage size, and upgrade the multiplier of the fixed mining speed. The available upgrades and their respective prices are detailed, enabling users to strategize for optimal progression.

Step 3: Upgrading for Efficient Mining

The "Upgrades" section presents three types of upgrades: passive mining speed increase, storage size expansion, and population multiplier upgrade. Each upgrade level comes with a specific price and its associated benefits, allowing users to make informed decisions to expedite their mining progress.

I recommend alternating upgrades between fixed mining and the multiplier to achieve the maximum level faster.

the article provides a comprehensive guide for creating a VERTUS Wallet and engaging in cryptocurrency mining via the VERTUS Telegram Bot Mining App. It encourages early adoption of this innovative crypto mining project and emphasizes the simplicity and accessibility of the VERT cryptocurrency.singin telegram

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