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The strangest tourist places in the world

There are many strange and unfamiliar places on the planet, some of which are natural areas or places, and some of which are man-made...

The strangest tourist places in the world

There are many strange and unfamiliar places on the planet, some of which are natural areas or places, and some of which are man-made

Russian city of death

The strangest places in the world at all, those that you will hear about, are the city of death or the city of Dargavs, as the Russians call it in their language.

It is a small village built inside a mountain in Russia that needs to be reached by walking for 3 hours in foggy weather and narrow and bumpy roads.

The village is characterized by the fact that all the buildings of the village are covered with a large group of small white buildings, which look like shrines inside the tombs.

The reason for calling the village the City of Death is that the buildings in it are in the form of coffins in which the city’s residents bury their loved ones and relatives, and the greater the number of the deceased, the higher the dome of the building in which they are buried.

It is also one of the traditions and customs of the village since the 16th century that each person must have his own shrine. In the past, the village was used as a cemetery for the city. Therefore, if a person lost all his relatives, he must go to the city of death to spend the rest of his life and wait for death there.

There is a legend that says that all visitors to the city of death will not come out alive and will die and be buried there.

Socotra Island

The archipelago of Socotra Island is located between the Arabian Sea and the Gordavoy Channel, and it belongs to the State of Yemen. The island of Socotra is one of the strangest places in the world, as it is an oasis of biodiversity.

Socotra Island includes more than 700 breeds that do not exist anywhere else in the world. It also contains many species of animals, birds and reptiles. Birds have become threatened with extinction due to the entry of wild cats into the island. Most of the island's population congregates on the main island of Socotra, while a small number inhabit the rest of the archipelago.

Stone Forest - China

The Forest of Stones or the Forest of Shilin, as the Chinese call it, is one of the strangest places in the world, as it is one of the geological wonders that is unlike anything else. The forest is located in Yunnan Province, Kunming State, in China.

It has a subtropical climate. The Forest of Stones consists of limestone that was carved by water through different geological ages.

The forest extends over an area of 350 kilometers and is divided into seven regions. The Forest of Stones contains caves and valleys in addition to streams and waterfalls. It also includes a group of rare plants and some endangered birds and animals.

Crystal Cave

One of the strangest places in the world is the Cave of Crystals, where the cave is filled with huge silent crystals and crystals that may reach a length of more than ten feet and weigh more than 50 tons.

Not many people can enter it because of the large size of the crystals that block the roads. The temperature inside the cave reaches 136 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity exceeds 90%. The Cave of Crystals is located in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico.

Machu Picchu town

The Inca civilization built the city of Machu Picchu in the fifteenth century between two mountains of the Andes mountain range. The city rises 2280 meters above sea level on the brink of two abysses surrounding it with a slope of 600 meters long covered with dense forests.

Machu Picchu is known as the Hanging Garden because it is built on top of a steep mountain. The entire city is built of large stones stacked on top of each other without any fixing tools, which makes it one of the strangest places in the world.

It also includes many gardens, galleries, buildings, and luxurious palaces, in addition to canals, irrigation channels, and bathing ponds. Gardens and streets of different heights are linked to each other by stone stairs.

Some consider the city of Machu Picchu a city distinguished by its religious character, due to the presence of many temples and sacred shrines.

Hot blood pool, Japan

The hot blood pool spring is located on the island of Kyushu in Japan. The pool of blood spring consists of nine springs containing hot water and its color is red.

The water gained its red color from the concentration of the iron element in it. The spring is considered one of the strangest places in the world, and it is not possible to bathe in it, but it enjoys a picturesque natural view surrounded by heights, green trees and the beauty of nature.

It is also surrounded by a cement iron wall to protect tourists from standing on it.

Danxia territory in China

Danxia is a land formation of rainbow-colored mountains in a picturesque and magical way, and it is one of the most beautiful and strange places in the world. The colorful terrain has been called Dancasia, relative to Danxia Mountain, which is located in one of the Chinese provinces in which the colored lands are located.

It is a unique type of colored rock geomorphology and is characterized by strips of red sedimentary rocks on steep slopes. Danxia lands

The lands of Danxia look like karst terrain that forms in limestone areas and has been known as false karst because its stone is sand and conglomerates.

And nature's factors continue to sculpt and shape the lands of Danxia over the past 500,000 years, leading to an average elevation of 0.87 meters every 10,000 years.

While the rocky walls of Danxia are formed from red sandstone, water flows downward through the cracks, helping to erode the sedimentary rocks.

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