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New WhatsApp features 2023 that you do not know

WhatsApp receives updates aimed at resolving bugs and introducing new features to try and improve the experience within the world's.....

New WhatsApp features 2023 that you do not know

Week after week, WhatsApp receives updates aimed at resolving bugs and introducing new features to try and improve the experience within the world's most used instant messaging app.

Updates wathsApp

Over the past week, the app has received a series of updates that have introduced a total of six different new features.

Most of the features that have come to WhatsApp all these days have been discovered by the specialized portal WABetaInfo.

Many features are only in the beta version of WhatsApp, and little by little you should reach the final version of the application. We have compiled all the features in a list that you can refer to below, along with the version of WhatsApp where they were discovered:

  • Undo deletion in WhatsApp 22.19.75 for iOS:

It allows you to restore a message you have deleted to yourself only for a short period after you have deleted it.

  •  Polls in chats in WhatsApp for iOS:

Option to create polls in app chats, included in the attachment list for chats.

  • Hide "online" status from everyone in WhatsApp Beta for Android:

It allows you to hide that you are online when you enter the application to specific users or to everyone. Now available in WhatsApp beta for some select users.

  •  New option to import backups:

An option under development that will allow exported backup files to be imported on other devices.

  • Edit messages:

A function under development that allows you to edit and modify already sent messages in the version of WhatsApp for PC and Tablet.

  • Message Edit Notice in WhatsApp Beta for Android:

A notification indicating to the user the need to update WhatsApp to the latest version to see the content of the message edited by the sender. Many of these new features are not yet available to most users, either because they are in the development stage, or because they are still in the beta version of the app, waiting to be enabled.


Anyway, as the days go by, we will see how the app is updated to bring in the changes that have been discovered recently. To make sure that you do not miss any news, you should make sure that you have the latest version of WhatsApp downloaded on your mobile phone.

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