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New Project: Near Wallet Mining Hot

In this article, we will explore the new project called Near Wallet Mining Hot. We will discuss what Near Wallet is, how it works, and the concept of Hot token mining.

Hot mining Near wallet

Near Wallet وHot Tokens

Near Wallet is a non-proprietary wallet that works as a web app in Telegram. It supports the NEAR network and its assets, including Hot Tokens. The developers claim that this is the first time a project token has functioned as a cryptocurrency. Near Wallet was launched on January 31, 2024, and attracted 200,000 users within the first 36 hours due to the opportunity to mine Hot Tokens at a low cost.

Hot Tokens can be used to pay commissions within Near Wallet. The mining process allows users to earn Hot Tokens by participating in specific activities or completing tasks. By mining Hot Tokens, users can accumulate them and potentially benefit from their value appreciating over time.

How to mine tokens

To mine tokens, users need to follow certain steps and complete tasks. The exact details of the mining process may vary, but in general, users can:

Create a Near Wallet account.

Claim free tokens.

Complete tasks and activities as assigned by the project.

Increase mining power by storing tokens in the wallet.

Log in with Telegram ( Create an account)

By actively participating in the mining process, users can increase their chances of earning tokens and potentially benefit from their value in the future.

Near Wallet

Near Wallet Mining Hot is an exciting new project that allows users to mine Hot tokens through Near Wallet. By participating in specific activities and completing tasks, users can accumulate Hot tokens and potentially benefit from their appreciation in value. It is important to stay up to date with the latest information and follow the project’s official channels for any updates or changes.

Remember that cryptocurrency investments involve risks, and it is essential to conduct thorough research and exercise caution before investing or engaging in any mining activities.

Hot price

نص الرابط هنا


  1. hot mining good project
  2. Price Hot coin is 1Hot =1Usdt
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