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Work in Germany - Skilled Workers Needed from 2023 to 2035

Germany is in dire need of skilled labor that they will make adjustments on immigration law to be able to attract skills. This problem is called....

Germany is Looking for You - Skilled Workers Needed

Germany is in dire need of skilled labor that they will make adjustments on immigration law to be able to attract skills. This problem is called the economic time bomb.

Germany is Looking for You

How severe is this problem?

The German Minister of Labor says that if we do not take any action, Germany will decrease 2035, about 7 million workers. But for clarification, the size of the Jordanian labor force, for example, is 1.4 million. Everyone who works in Jordan. Germany lacks almost five times the Jordanian labor force.

Those who care more about working in Germany while China knows about the skilled currency problem means that if the information reaches the Chinese, consider Germany to be Chinese.

Germany's Population and Economy

Germany has a population of approximately 85 million Germans. German output or a resident in Germany is the gross domestic product. About 4.25$  trillion, . Ranked as the fourth country in the world in terms of economic power, after America, China, and Japan.

The German Workforce and Unemployment Rate

The number of the workforce in Germany is about 43 million. Unemployment in Germany in 2022 was 2.99% percent. The unemployment rate has decreased over the years, from 11% percent in 2005 to 2.99% percent in 2022. Unemployment among German youth is the lowest in Europe.

The Cause of the Problem - Retirement Pyramid

The reason for Germany's shortage of skilled workers is the pyramid of German society around the year two thousand and thirty-five. The number of German retirees over the age of 67 years will increase by about 4 million. This means that the number of retirees over 67 is about 20 million. According to this issue, the number of German troops will be reduced annually, starting from 2023. There is no one to replace them, and so on annually until we reach a shortage of 7 million in 2035. In the year 2002, there were 1.3 million jobs in Germany, 630,000 of them, almost half, were unfilled because of the shortage of skilled workers.

Required Professions in Germany

Required professions in Germany include engineers, sales and marketing employees, childcare, accounting law, technician or electrical engineer, nurses, hospitality staff, information technology. An information technology expert in Germany does not need a university degree. Skill is more important than certification. The most critical factor is language.

Salaries and Wages in Germany

Wages in Germany are among the highest in Europe. The minimum wage in Germany is 12 euros per hour, which means about 13 dollars per hour. A worker who works forty hours a week earns 550 dollars a month, 2040 dollars. The expected wage is according to the worker's specialization and skill.

Germany's Refugee Population and their Employment Status

Approximately 925 thousand Syrians live in Germany, of which only 27% percent of refugees of working age are able to find work in Germany. This means that there are approximately 250 thousand Syrians working in Germany. Language remains a significant barrier to integration into the German labor market for refugees. However, Syrians are the most significant number of foreigners in the field of medicine in Germany, with 4170 thousand Syrian doctors working in Germany.

Other Countries Looking for Skilled Workers

Canada, Britain, and the Netherlands are also looking for skilled workers. Canada is particularly in need of workers in advertising, financial management, public relations, financial advisory, software engineering, web technology, network technology, baking, dental assistance, laboratory art, child care, drivers, and delivery drivers. Similarly, Britain and the Netherlands are also experiencing a shortage of skilled workers in various industries.


With the end of 2022, the number of arrivals in Germany has reached with the aim of working from outside the European Union, 351 thousand people. Learn a language, specialize in a required job, and go to Germany to fill the skills gap and contribute to the economy.

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