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B13 hacker Tunisia b13

B13 is a Tunisian hacker who has gained notoriety for his alleged hacking of Israeli websites and systems

 b13 hacker Tunisia

B13 is a Tunisian hacker who has gained notoriety for his alleged hacking of Israeli websites and systems. He is also known for his outspoken views on social media, where he has often criticized the Tunisian government and its policies.

B13 Tunisie age

B13's real identity is unknown, but he is believed to be a young man in his early 20s. He first came to prominence in 2022, when he claimed to have hacked the website of the Israeli Ministry of Defense. He later claimed to have hacked the websites of several other Israeli government agencies, as well as the website of the Israeli airline El Al.

B13 hack Israël

B13's hacking activities have been condemned by the Israeli government, which has accused him of being a terrorist. B13 has denied these accusations, and has said that he is simply fighting for the rights of the Palestinian people.

B13 Tunisie

B13 is also a controversial figure in Tunisia. He has been accused of being a cyber-terrorist, and his outspoken views have led to him being banned from several social media platforms. However, he remains a popular figure among many Tunisians, who see him as a symbol of resistance against the government.

Tunisie B13

In May 2023, B13 claimed to have hacked the website of the Tunisian Ministry of Interior. He also claimed to have hacked the website of the Tunisian National Guard. The Tunisian government has denied these accusations.

B13's hacking activities have raised concerns about the security of Tunisia's computer networks. The government has said that it is taking steps to improve the security of its systems, but it is unclear whether these measures will be effective.

B13 remains a wanted man by the Israeli government. He is also facing charges in Tunisia for his alleged hacking activities. It is unclear what the future holds for B13, but he is sure to continue to be a controversial figure in Tunisia and Israel.

information about hacker Tunisie B13

  1. He is a self-taught hacker.
  2. He is a member of the Anonymous hacktivist group.
  3. He is known for his use of social media to spread his message.
  4. He has been praised by some for his activism, but he has also been criticized for his methods.
  5. It is unclear what his ultimate goals are, but he has said that he wants to use his skills to fight for justice and equality.

B13 Stories palestiniens

There are many stories that have been told about Tunisians’ love for Palestine, that instinctive love that you find in the heart of every Tunisian child, young man, and old man, a love that stems from the purity, sincerity, and authenticity of the soul, a love that made Tunisia a distinguished place in the hearts of Palestinians, just as Palestine’s distinguished position is in the hearts of Tunisians, a mutual love Mahmoud Darwish expressed it, saying, "How do we heal from the love of Tunisia, which flows through us as the flow of the soul.

We have seen in Tunisia a sense of familiarity, tenderness, and tolerant support that we have not seen anywhere else." Allow me, in this blog post, to tell you a new story from the stories that happened to us as Palestinians, in which the Tunisian love and affection for Palestine is evident.


B13 Hacker Tunisia 2023

#B13_hacke I made a mistake, I apologize to you and Palestine

"My friends, first of all, forgive me because I hacked your site because it is on a server that I thought was hostile to Palestine, but during my work it became clear to me that I was wrong. I apologize to you and to Palestine, and allow me to provide you with the loopholes through which I entered your site as a kind of apology."

It was not an ordinary message like other hundreds of messages that come daily to our site's mail that covers the Palestinian issue. After greetings, it contained private information and data for all site administrators (passwords, usernames, and some information related to the site's archive).


How deeply rooted is the love of Palestine in the hearts of our people in the Maghreb? It was never but a fraternal relationship between one people with the same aspirations, goals and hopes.


For us, it was sufficient information to destroy the efforts of long years of vigil and fatigue, of course, in the event that it occurred with a hateful or hostile party to Palestine, which did not happen, thank God. Whoever sent it did not know his name, but rather called himself the Tunisian who loves Palestine. Until I heard the word "Tunisia", the name that was enough to give the soul some reassurance about the intention of the hacker.


B13 Tunisia

During a simple conversation, after which the speaker disappeared even before we thanked him, the Tunisian who loves Palestine provided us with many loopholes that were in our site, and some additional precautionary measures to protect the site, tips that took many hours of our site technicians’ time to implement, as they were professional tips from Moheb Sadiq, Advice from someone who, if he wanted to take advantage of these vulnerabilities, might have been able to get a lot of money in exchange for not disclosing or exploiting them for his personal interests.


On the love of Palestine, hearts meet

The fact that what happened, despite its speed, reflects to us the extent to which the love for Palestine is deep-rooted in the hearts of our people in the Maghreb, despite the repeated and tireless attempts by the enemies of Palestine to extinguish the flame of that relationship, which was never just an official or political relationship, but rather a fraternal relationship between one people. He has the same ambitions, goals and hopes.


A story that inspires hope in our souls, as it indicates that our Arab people, despite the tragedies and pains they have been subjected to, and attempts to separate them from their issues through political disputes here and there, are still aware of their issues and adhere to their rights and duties despite the failure of most of the Arab political groups and parties for an interest here or there. That is the case. Of love is nothing but sincere love, there is no interest in it.


And at the end of my post, I say to the people of Tunisia, as Mahmoud Darwish said, "Save yourself, Tunisia. We will meet tomorrow on the land of your sister: Palestine."

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