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Motivation 2023

Motivation 2023

 Motivation 2023

Finding the motivation to achieve your goals is an elusive thing. Many people wait for inspiration or motivation when trying to achieve a goal. Imagine if everyone waited for the drive to get work done.

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I know many writers, and many will say they cannot write until their muse speaks to them. This is their motive. But if we all wait for our "inspiration," we rarely get things done. I mean, think about it - I can say I've never been really excited about completing a math assignment. And the harder it is, the less motivated I have. This does not mean that I did not do my homework.

Who needs motivation?

If we all wait for the stimulus, productivity will drop to nothing, and our economy will collapse. Since productivity has improved over the years, it likely has nothing to do with true motivations other than people doing the things they need to do in order to achieve a goal. Do you think the chef at McDonald's is excited about making a Big Mac? It doesn't matter. He showed up and did it. His goal is to pay his bills. It does that by making your own burgers.

It doesn't matter who sets the goal, whether it's the goal you set or your employer, teacher, or coach—it's set, and someone has to get it done. The problem is that many people fail simply by ignoring the fact that finding motivation isn't necessary; Just what you do.

Often as adults, we understand this. We go to work every day whether we want to or not. It's more difficult with children. I see it all the time with my clients from executive jobs. They cannot find motivation to start or complete a task, or they struggle to get started.

Motivation fact

They sit around waiting for inspiration to come, wondering why others do better than them, and waiting for a spark of motivation that will never arrive. You can avoid this problem by realizing the fact:

Motivation is not present

Now, you might be thinking, “I know the motivation is there. I feel it every time I want to do something.” I get it. Desire, longing, inspiration… they are all things that can help move us forward with ease. But you don't need them to succeed.

You may have heard of the starving artist who can't draw or the writer with writer's block. Interestingly enough, these creative professions have the same myth: there is some secret motivation that needs to come in in order to be successful - some mysterious spark of inspiration that will keep you from doing what you need to get done. Whatever it is, nothing can be other than the truth.

Action - not thinking - gets results

Ultimately, it's a choice you make. Time and time again, the people who are truly successful in their lives are not people waiting for a spark. Don't waste time looking for motivation. They are people who get out of bed every day, rain or shine, and do things that lead to an end result of success. Of course, it is easier to feel "motivated", if we are doing something that interests us or that we want to do.

A successful painter paints every day, even when he doesn't feel like it. But they also have to market or communicate. If it's something they hate, they hire someone to do it for them. But they can't hire someone to paint them (not really anyway). Successful Writer Writes: Successful Doctor, Doctors. If you want to be successful at something, do it. live it. You will succeed. But you have to choose to show up and do it.

How do you find success? Successful people are not smarter than you

Many people are blocked by thinking someone is better than them, smarter than they are, or any other comparison they can make. The truth is, successful people aren't the smartest. Without exception, they are simply people who do their job or business every day. They do it, they don't think of doing it, they don't dream about it. Success comes from repeated actions.

Set S.M.A.R.T. Objectives

Learn about the acronym S.M.A.R.T. Which means specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Each objective you set must meet this standard. After all, if you can't get specific enough about what you want so that it's measurable and you can act on it in a realistic way within a set time frame, then it's not really a goal. It's a dream - maybe a pipe dream.

It's the difference between saying, "I want to be a millionaire" and saying, "I want to make $20,000 to pay for my kid's college." The second one has a built-in time frame. When does your son go to college? It is also specific and measurable. Whether or not it's a realistic goal is for you to decide. This leads to actionability - how will you achieve this goal?

I'm not saying you can't achieve the goal of being a millionaire, but you better make sure it's realistic and you can make a plan to get there.

Visualization success

Some people think vision boards are very attractive but the truth is that being able to truly imagine yourself experiencing success will actually help you achieve that success in your life. There are people who are good at seeing it in their own mind and believing it, but others need more.

Try creating a vision board to see your dream on paper so that you can then decide how to make your S.M.A.R.T. Objectives. Vision boards are a constant reminder of what our dreams are, and what the life we really want is like. It keeps these ideas in front of you and can serve as the inspiration you are looking for.

Follow the schedule

It cannot be said enough. Doers do. Successful people do. Making a to-do list won't cut it; You need to set a schedule and stick to it. If you want to complete a project, you need to start from the end point, then go back to today and set a realistic schedule that you can follow. Then don't let anything stop you.

For example, suppose you want to knit a blanket for a friend's child. Your friend's due date is in 3 months. You decide the size of the blanket, and how long it will take for you to knit. Then, you need to break that down into actionable pieces of daily activity. Otherwise, you'll spend the next two and a half months staring at the skeins of yarn and thinking, "I really should start with this blanket."

For people with executive functions, schedules are essential. I have my clients schedule everything. They have reminders to keep them on track, from brushing their teeth to eating regular meals to getting homework done. Habits start with building a routine. Timelines tend to be tricky at first, but they work wonders as they lead to my next point...

experience success

I often talk about easy wins with my clients. Many of them have felt like a failure for so long, they don't remember what it feels like to be successful. So we are looking for an easy win. Set some small goals until you feel successful. If you never commit to anything, you can't know what success feels like, so there is nothing to help you move forward. People who experience success love to experience it again, and the more success you achieve, the more you realize you can. It is self-fulfilling.

Repeat everything

Finally, keep doing it over and over again. With anything you want to achieve, set a goal, track your success, and do something every day to achieve that goal. again and again. It really is that simple.

I said a simple note, not easy. If you struggle with executive functioning, setting up routines and schedules can be challenging. You will likely fail at some point. The system or routine will break down. The important thing is not to give up. Find another easy win to keep going.

Motivation is a figment of the imagination, not something most people have. Most people get up in the morning by hitting the snooze button a few times, and most people don't feel particularly happy about doing certain things. What they are happy about is the end result, the output. Put your focus there and you won't need any motivation because you will succeed.

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