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What would happen if the earth stopped rotating

Life on Earth depends mainly on the ability of the planet to rotate, but suppose that there is some force or reason that suddenly stops the Earth...

 What would happen if the earth stopped rotating

What is the Earth's rotation? the rotation of the earth was not one of the facts recognized in the past. We do not see the earth rotating because we live on it, and we see the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars as if they are the ones that revolve around the earth.

However, the earth and all the planets are in a continuous rotational movement since the creation of the universe. The earth rotates on its axis from west to east, i.e. counterclockwise.

The earth began to rotate with the birth of the solar system from a nebula billions of years ago, and the “nebula” is a giant cloud of gas and dust, from which space bodies were formed, including the sun, the earth, and other planets, and all these planets acquired a kind of natural rotation, and when the spherical shape was completed The sun and the planets have an increased speed of rotation, as happens with skaters or dancers on the ice during their rotation, when the skater joins his arms, the speed of his rotation increases.

What would happen if the earth stopped rotating?

Life on Earth depends mainly on the ability of the planet to rotate, but suppose that there is some force or reason that suddenly stops the Earth from rotating, then everything on Earth will continue to rotate, including the atmosphere and oceans, because it will suffer from inertia that prevents it from suddenly stopping Thus, it will be a catastrophic event leading to the complete destruction of everything on Earth.

What would happen to the days and the Earth's temperature if the Earth stopped rotating?

The earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours, and for this reason we have 24 hours in a day, and the speed of the earth’s rotation at the equator is about 1670 km / h, which is slightly greater than the speed of sound, and if the earth stopped rotating on its axis, the day may last for a whole year And every place on Earth will receive six months of continuous sunlight, instead of the succession of day and night during the day.

This will lead to heating half of the planet to extremely high temperatures (about 100 degrees Celsius), in which human life is impossible, while the other half gets very cold due to the absence of the sun for a period of six months, but life may continue in a narrow area between the hot and cold halves. However, this region will creep slowly and change throughout the year with the movement of the earth around the sun in its annual orbit.

The Earth's surface temperature will depend on the location relative to latitude, so that the Earth is hotter than it is now at the equator compared to the poles, where the sun's rays are more inclined and less efficient in heating the Earth. This long-term gradient in temperatures would change the pattern of Wind circulation in the atmosphere, so that air moves from the equator to the poles instead of the wind systems parallel to the equator as it is now.

What would happen to the seas and oceans if the Earth stopped rotating?

When the Earth rotates, a centrifugal force is generated. Over billions of years, this force led to pushing the central region of the planet to be swollen, so the diameter of the Earth at the equator is about 21.4 km greater than the diameter of the Earth at the poles, and this bulge in the solid ground developed slowly over billions of years. Because the response of the solid matter to the centrifugal force resulting from the rotation of the Earth is slow, but the liquid water is more capable of movement, which pushes the water to rise at the equator by about 8 km more than if there was no rotation of the Earth.

But if the Earth slowly stops rotating, the oceans will gradually migrate towards the poles and move away from the equator, which leads to dividing the Earth's oceans into two large polar oceans separated by a dry land in the middle, and half of the world will be submerged under water.

What would happen to the Earth's magnetic field if the Earth stopped rotating?

The Earth's rotation is one of the factors that contributed to the formation of its magnetic field, through the effect of the Earth's movement on the formation of vortices in the Earth's liquid core, which is rich in molten iron. Harmful high-energy cosmic rays, the Northern Lights (aurora borealis) will not appear, and the Van Allen radiation belts are likely to disappear.

Could the Earth really stop spinning?

One of the guarantees provided by science is that the Earth will never stop rotating, because rotation is part of the fabric of the universe, and even if the Earth’s oceans dried up over billions of years from now and the planet became a flaming rocky ball, the Earth would continue to rotate, as it is known in physics that Rotating objects continue to rotate unless there is a change in energy, such as if the object is affected by a large friction that can stop it, and while this happens easily with some tools and things such as rotating heads, there is nothing in outer space big enough to stop the rotation of the Earth more than slowing it down by an amount insignificant .

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